How to reach Ravello

By car from Naples

Take the A3 Naples - Pompei - Salerno.

Exit Angri. Follow the signs “of Valico Chinuzi” and “Costiera Amalfitana”, reaching Ravello through the pass.

By car from Rome

Exit Nocera – Pagani. Follow the signs of “Valico Chiunzi” and “Costiera Amalfitana”, reaching Ravello through the pass.

By car from the Sud

Coming from the South (A3), exit at Salerno

proceed for Vietri reach and drive for 25 km road to the beautiful Amalfi coast to the junction for Ravello.

By plane

The nearest airport is Napoli Capodichino

You can reach Ravello by taxi or renting a car.

By train

Get off from the train in Naples (56km) or Salerno (30km)

You can reach Ravello by taxi, by bus (link SITA) or renting a car.

We’d love To have you as our Guest!

Via Orso Papice 4 – 84010 Ravello (SA) – Amalfi Coast – Italia

Phone: +39.(0)89.857412 – Fax: +39.(0)89.857412 – Mobile: +39.340.9479909

VAT ID IT01889170641

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